Vangelis lyrics - The long march, part II lyrics

Vangelis single The long march, pt. II

1   The long march pt.1   2:01        Cover from the Vangelis single: The long march pt.1 and 2
2 The long march pt.2 3:29
Total playing time 5:32

Music composed, arranged and performed by Vangelis
Lyrics written and sung by The children from the "Orleans infant school" in Twickenham.

Lyrics transcribed from single recording (lyrics not available on sleeve).


The long march Part II lyrics

Hills are far off, in the sunbeam,
streams are flowing, strongly flowing.
we will have to, cross over it,
the mad water, running water,
wild water deep

Hills are far off, this is so near,
streams are flowing, strongly flowing.
we will have to, cross over it,
the mad water running water
wild water deep.

Swim, wild water deep.
swim, wild water deep.

Rocky mountains, drawing nearer
the steam is growing hot in haze, high in the sky.


We are climbing, via via
and the wind blows us down, down.

Down we must dive,
down to the valley below,
downwards below, downwards and downwards below.


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Lyrics transcribed by Ugo Coppola, Robert Eichelsheim, Sufian and Henk Engelen.
Thanks to Dennis Lodewijks for the sleeve scan.

For more information, go to Movements, The long march page

Website made by: Henk Engelen
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